*Welcome to Dinner and a Movie (D&M). Planning a date? Evening with friends? Last minute plans? Home alone? A person can utilize this app to generate a list of movies to watch and/or meals to make at home.
User selects movie genre(s) in checkboxes
User clicks button to generate list of movies
Movies are displayed in cards on the movie page
User clicks button for meal type to generate a list of related recipes
Recipes are listed in cards
User can click on link in card to go to an external site for the full recipe
Dinner and a Movie created using:
HTML - to create the content of the dashboard.
CSS - for styling
Materialize - additional styling and formatting
JQuery - create interactions for the user
The Movie Database - to get movie info
Edamam - get recipe info
Google fonts - to get fonts
Movie suggestions
Movie genres are listed as checkboxes for the user to choose from
User will click one or more checkboxes and click the generate button to get a list of movies for that genre
Suggested movies will be displayed in cards.
Each card contains the movie name, poster image and a description.
Meal suggestions
Meal types are listed as buttons for the user to click on
User will click a button and a list of meals will be generated based on their meal type
User can only choose one meal type at a time
If user clicks another meal type, the current list of meals will be removed from the screen and a list from the new meal type will be displayed
A card will be displayed for each meal with the meal name and a link to the full recipe
When a user clicks a link they will be taken to an external site in a new tab that will display the recipe details
Future Versions for updates and enhancements
Add new APIs/Features
Music, Sports, Recreation, I Feel Lucky (randomly generated)